
Napa Valley and Sonoma County Wine Grape Prices 2024

Based on the grape crush report it would appear Napa Valley and Sonoma County wine grape prices continue their upward climb as we enter 2024. The one exception is Sonoma County Cabernet which noted a very modest drop from the previous year.

wine grape market

Changing Market?

We are early in the game with respect to wineries engaging in new contracts as they gauge the wine market, crop size etc… I think we are likely to see continued measured activity throughout the season. It is also important to note that by now, most everyone knows the wine market is in a slump. This will likely lead to fewer new grape purchase contracts, likely some renegotiation and some cancellations. There are already some instances of growers being notified that wineries are not committing to this years harvest, at least not yet. All that said, top quality continues to demand a premium.

sonoma pinot noir wine grapes

sonoma pinot noir wine grapes

When reviewing the Napa Valley and Sonoma County wine grape prices for 2024 it is important to keep in mind the prices below reflect the previous year. Most grape purchase agreements use this as base number.  They often include language that the price paid will be the county average of that particular varietal. For premium wine grapes there will often be a sweetener of 10 – 30%+ above the county average.

Another important point to keep in mind, these figures are only for contracted grapes. The grape crush report does not account for handshake deals or grapes that did not sell. In other words, when working through a sluggish wine grape market, the grape crush report will not always present current market value.

Following the trend from previous years, wine grapes coming from areas like the Russian River Valley region, Sonoma Coast and Alexander Valley  AVAs among others in Sonoma County continue to draw high prices.  Similarly in Napa County, super premium AVAs like Diamond Mountain, Oakville, Howell Mountain and others continue to push new pricing boundaries.  Below is more info about Napa Valley and Sonoma County Wine Grape Prices 2024.

Below is a snapshot of the weighted average grape prices paid in 2023 for some of the more popular wine grape varietals found in Napa and Sonoma Counties.  The numbers come from the California Annual Grape Crush Report.  These figures help guide pricing for grape purchase agreements between growers and wineries.

Weighted Average Price Paid Per Ton For Wine Grapes in Napa Valley and Sonoma County

County AveragePrice Per Ton
Napa County
2023Trend202220212023 High2023 Low
Cabernet Sauvignon$9,080+$8,813$8,082$67,200$200
Pinot Noir$2,867+$2,815$2,637$8,750$200
Sauvignon Blanc$3,165+$2,930$2,635$9,781$1,980
Sonoma County
2023Trend202220212023 High2023 Low
Cabernet Sauvignon$2,882-$2,966$2,728$21,834$100
Pinot Noir$3,843+$3,708$3,518$60,000$250
Sauvignon Blanc$2,034+$1,921$1,730$28,000$295
*Source - Preliminary Grape Crush Report 2023, California Department of Food and Agriculture

Following up the barrage of storms from last year, we are experiencing another solid wet season. Water should not be a problem for the 2024 growing season. Barring any major frost events the spring or major heat spikes during the growing season we will likely see a healthy crop size.  That said, we still have a long way to go this season.  If you have more questions about Napa Valley and Sonoma County Wine Grape Prices 2024 please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Curious to see what grape prices looked like in 2016?

Napa and Sonoma Wine Grape Prices 2016

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